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Warfare Song

By Pastora Monique Lopez Ong

Whethere you like it or not or believe it or not, there is a spiritual realm. On earth, all you can see are things of the earth. But there is an active spiritual realm. And there are demonic forces in that spiritual realm. Do not get offended but it can happen to anyone, even people in church. Ironically, the first deliverance of Jesus was in church. Demonic possessions are always a magic show. The devil wants to get your attention by performing weird acts that are not of this world.

How does the enemy operate in a non-believer? Because Jesus is not in that person, the enemy has legal rights to enter your spirit. You soul becomes oppressed and you are always anxious. You think of suicide often in this case. You have no control over your body because the demon in you controls you. The devil’s territory is any where sin is committed. Where you sin and when you sin is where and when the demon parties.

Now how does the enemy operate in believers? When you received Jesus, the Holy Spirit sealed your spirit because He is already in you. The devil cannot take it from you anymore. But though you are sealed in the Spirit, many things still have to change. You still have to surrender all these things to God while the process of sanctification is taking place. You still worry, feel anxious, and get angry. It manifests in your body and that is when you are attacked. It becomes a stronghold and that is where the enemy attacks. The enemy cannot touch ypur spirit but he can attack the soul. He can tell you lies and when you believe, then you have already lost.

How do you have open doors to the enemy? Some do not even know this. The enemy’s territory is sin. But some are not sure that what they are doing is a sin. The occult (astrology, horoscope, witchcraft, fortune telling) and demonic objects (charms, dream catcher, ouija board, tarot cards, idols) are entry points for the enemy. Bitterness and unforgiveness are huge doors for the enemy (acts 8:22-23). Bad things that happened to you when you were young are open doors. Others sins like sex outside of marriage, abortion, murder, inner vow, spoken curses, pornography, drugs, stealing, generational curses, and making agreements with lies of the demon are all open doors for the enemy to get into you. You are already victorious. Do not give up your victory. You have already won.

How do you battle these kinds of things? How can you live victoriously? First of all, you need Jesus to live victoriously. Apart from Jesus, you cannot do anything. You will always be defeated and you will always lose to the enrmy. Jesus’ death on the cross is very powerful. There is power in His blood. You already know that you are sinners. You cannot pay for your sins. That is why Jesus died so you can break free from the enemy. He used His blood and it is by His blood that you are set free. Colossians 2:13-14 says, “When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.

Revelation 12:10-11 says “Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

There is power in the name of Jesus. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord is saved. (Philippians 2:9-12, Romans 10:14, Luke 10:17) When you face the enemy, you need a passport. Your passport is the name of Jesus. You need to call on His name and acknowledge His presence.

I won’t live defeated

I won’t listen to the lies

By Jesus Blood, I’m completed

In His Holy Name we will rise

We will rise, We will rise

I won’t struggle with sin

Instead I’ll call unto Him

My Lord will come and break my chains

Deliver me from all of my pains

All my pain, all my pain 2x

The Warfare song began with declarations. Temptations are not a sin. It is an opportunity to stand in victory. Are you going to stand? Call unto Jesus and He will come.

The song really came from Ephesians 6:12-18. God has given you an armor. But most of the time, you do not wear it. When you are attacked, you cry and are hurt. But stand tall and worship. Worship leads you to the throne room. And when you are in the throne room, the enemy cannot touch you. Put on the full armor of God so that you cannot be touched by the enemy. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the victory. You have God’s armor. God did not leave you with nothing. When bad news come your way, rebuke it in the name of Jesus. You have to stand and train yourself. (1Timothy 4:7-8, 1 Cor. 9:24-27) Trust God because He will not disappoint. Use your armor.Train yourself. Many are sloppy warriors, cowering in a corner when hard times comes. Stand tall and fight.

So Stand firm from the enemy

Use all of God’s weaponry

Truth, Righteousness, Faith and Salvation

His Word and Gospel, our liberation

Believers have God’s authority. (Luke 9:1-2, Luke 10:19) He gave you power to cast out demons, cure diseases, heal the sick, trample scorpions and demons and and proclaim His kingdom to everybody. You have to wear your armor and believe and know that you have God’s authority. Nothing can harm you. When you use God’s name, the demons will leave.

Enemy you have no place.

We rebuke you in Jesus name

We command you to leave

Because today WE BELIEVE


Jesus will set us Free

Enemy You have to flee

To win the battle, recognize your open doors. Repent for the sins that you know off. Renounce all contact with the devil and throw away all and any demonic items. Release yourself in the name of Jesus. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Replace all the lies with the wors of God and the things of God. Renew your mind because you have a new identity in Christ.

Cast it out.

Time to shake out the enemy

I cast you Out: Fear and Pride get out of here

Unbelief and Doubt Get out

Worry and Anxiety

Self-pity and shame

You have no power in Jesus name

Bitterness, hopelessness, Unforgiveness

Replace it with Joy and loving Kindness

Occult, Idolatry You have no hold

In Jesus name, we break every stronghold

Sexual sin and addiction

Lord Heal us from this affliction

Walk in Victory.

Everything is under his authority

Victory is in God Almighty

Lets Praise our Lord of Lords

Together let us declare and sing

Jesus Our Savior is our King!!!


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