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Psalm 96-Sing a New Song Declare The Glory of God

By Pastora Monique Lopez Ong

If you look at the Top 10 songs in Billboard’s Greatest Hits, there is nothing that talks about God. That is why the world is lost. The songs you sing and dance to are nice but they have no meaning. They do not add anything to your life.

David is inviting you to sing a new song in Psalms 96. It does not necessarily mean new lyrics and a new melody, but simply songs that declare the glory of God. The glory of God is always talked about. But what does it really mean? The presence of God. When you say the glory of God is here, it means that God’s presence is felt.

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word “khabod” is used for “glory” and it means weightiness or worth. When you feel the presence of God, it is heavy; it feels good when you really feel His presence. It is a not a burden-like weight that you carry on your back. It is weighty in the sense that He downloads a lot of messages to you. And you will fall on your knees because of it and raise our hands when you worship. Why? Because He is worthy. When you buy gold and it is light, that is fake. But when it weighs heavy, then it is worth something.

In the New Testament, the Hebrew word “doxa” is used for “glory” and it means praise and honor. When you feel God’s presence, you will fall on your knees because you need to praise and honor Him.

When the presence of the Holy Spirit falls upon you, you will come out praising and singing to the Lord like never before. That is the glory! There are many examples of glory moments in the Bible because some people do not know what it means and how it feels.

Exodus 24:16 says “and the glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai. For six days the cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from within the cloud.” In the Old Testament, God reveals Himself so many times. The clouds fall with His presence. How does this happen? When the people pray and seek God. Can you imagine what it feels like to be in His presence?

1 Kings 8:10-11 says “When the priests came out of the Holy Place, a thick cloud filled the Temple of the Lord. The priests could not continue their service because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the Lord filled the Temple of the Lord.” The priests cannot even stand to minister because the presence of God was felt.

Luke 2:9 says “Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified.” When Jesus was born, angels were all around. In the presence of God, you will see them when your spiritual eyes are open. It is so bright when God is present that you will not be able to open your eyes.

Acts 2:3 says “Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them.” In the presence of God, fire rested on each of them. You will bow down in reverence and respect. You will be filled and will not be able to stop yourself from speaking in tongues and overflow in the presence of God. Have you experienced this? You feel the love of the Father, and your spirit feels alive because it is aligned with the Holy Spirit.

This is what it means to sing a new song. It does not necessarily have to be a top ten song. What you need to look for is where and when heaven meets earth.

Isn’t it amazing that you can find God wherever you go? And when you find Him, you will not be able to stop yourself from singing and praising Him. God’s glory leads you to praise and worship, that is why you long for it. The more you stay in the glory, the more you praise Him. You forget about your troubles and pains in His presence. You cannot complain because it fills you up.

Oh sing to the Lord a new song

Sing to the Lord all the earth

This is God’s invitation to you - to experience His glory by singing a new song to the Lord. What new song? This is simply the posture of your heart when you sing. Some come to church and just sing. But your heart is not completely surrendered to God. Completely His means all of the Lord and none of you. Your old ways of singing must be gone. Even if you are out of tune, if you sing from the heart then God welcomes that. Raise your hands, kneel before Him, deny yourself and follow Christ. Some are even shy to praise their God. He deserves all your honor and praise. He is worthy of all of it.

The Lord wants you to experience His glory because He wants to bless you. He does not want you to be stressed and problematic. He is calling yo into His presence so that He can take care of you.

Sing to the Lord

Bless His name

Declare His salvation

From day to day

Some of the songs you like are very sad. And it gets to you. Why don’t you sing praise and worship songs all the time? It will make you feel different. Sing songs that exalt God alone so that the gates of heaven may open before you.

God wants everybody to worship Him. The song is not important. What is important are the people worshipping Him.

Worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness

Tremble before Him all of the earth

Shout to the nations Jesus reigns

When you worship the Lord, it is beautiful because it is holy and pure in His presence that the whole earth trembles before Him. You tremble before Him because you feel His presence.

Give to the Lord all of the glory

Give to the Lord all of your strength

Give to the Lord all that is worthy

Give Him praise!

You were given a special assignment - you have a mouth. Nature has its own special sound. But only man has a special instrument to worship Him. Use it to give Him praise.

The songs of glory are songs of total adoration. It is all about God’s majesty, beauty and glory. There is nothing about you there.

Oh sing to the Lord a new song

Sing to the Lord all the earth

Sing to the Lord, bless HIs name

Declare His salvation from day to day.

Open your mouth and sing to the Lord. Give Him your heart. You were made to worship the King.


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